Here is my analysis: This article had great relevance to my personal experience with using the internet over the last few months. I’ve been working on a project that has gone on for about a year now, and much of it had to do with researching different aspects of networks and simply spending time, exploring. It has gotten to the point where the article has slammed the nail right on the head. I think I have significantly lost much of my ability to concentrate and focus, both in thought and speech. As explained in the article, internet surfing, by nature, does not require much concentration. Rather, like the way I spend much of my time online, it consists of “hopping” from site to site, skimming, getting distracted, checking my email, typing a few sentences for my homework essay, and checking Facebook… Unlike reading a book, I am no longer training myself to “sit tight” and read one material thoroughly. And over time, I have noticed that my way of thinking is easily distracted.
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